
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

They have names

March 6,2012

Well.....we finally came up with names for our new additions to the farm.
If you haven't been following along with us, Our Rosie the Katahdin sheep had twins a week from this past Saturday.  Then to our surprise, our two year old cow had a calf born the following day,  so the hill has been busy.

This picture was taken that afternoon, poor momma.......she looks exhausted.

Aren't they the cutest thing you have ever seen.   The little girl is the one laying down, her name is Jolie' and the little guy is Pepe', french pronunciation of course.  Pepe' is named after the little Looney Tunes character Pepe' Lepew.

Lepew was a romeo always looking for Love.  I had picked Valentine and Romeo for them before they were born, knowing they would be born in February, the month of Love.  But after having my family here to spend the weekend and the lambs were born while they were here, they all wanted them to have french names.  So this is what we came up with.  Thank you cousin Mary, we took your suggestion for little Jolie'.

The following day our Merry Belle gave birth to a heifer calf.

When this little girl was born she came out full of energy, within the hour she was running around and would not keep still for her mom to finish cleaning her up.  We have not seen a baby calf so active as she was, it was a sight to see.  It was funny to see Mary Belle bellowing out like she was fussing at her calf to calm down.  This went on for 24 hours, the next two days this baby layed around and slept, she was plum exhausted. 

So for this wicked, crazy like, spirted heifer, we named her Jezebel.

She is a high spirited little thing, she is curious and shows no fear to anything.  I'm enjoying looking out my kitchen window to see her and the lambs get acquainted.  Yesterday late afternoon i spotted Jezebel running around and around the field while the other mommas were grazing, and the lambs were just looking at her like what has gotten into her???? all of a sudden the lambs started trotting and leaping and trying to keep up with Jezebel.  It was a sight, by the time i got my camera and got out the door they were already worn out and was laying in the clover. 

Don't you just LOVE spring time, a time of new beginnings.......from new births on the farm to the new sprouts bringing forth beauty to the season.  Most importantly the new beginnings each and every one of us has a opportunity to choose.  I thank the Lord for all these gifts.

                                                                        Live Simple........................Sheryl


  1. I love the names you guys chose for all the new little ones! My, how those lambies have grown already! Miss Jezebel looks like "Trouble" could be her middle name! LOL!!

  2. Why do sheep always look like they are smiling.
    I'm smiling too now that you signed on to follow my blog. Stay tuned as there will be a giveaway on there soon.

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