
Sunday, July 24, 2011

It finally happened!!!!

July 24, 2011

Well......It finally happened !!!!!!!!  Our long awaited moment happened during the night or early morning hours........Our Oreo had her calf!!!!!!!!!!! I woke up this morning, as the coffee was brewing i walked to the window to check on the sheep, Rosey, that had made several escapes out the fence the other day, and to my surprise....... i spotted something white on the ground up the hill, grabbed the binoculars, and confirmed it was indeed the baby.

I couldn't stand it....I had to get a closer look and get some pictures because hubby is out at work and it will just drive him crazy not to see this cute little thing. She let me walk down a little closer in the field to get a good look.  She seemed calm and confident, being her first calf.

Isn't it soooooo cute........Not sure if it's male or female yet. I didn't want to get to close for too long and make her nervous. She is showing all the signs of being a good momma cow, very attentive to her young.  When we know the gender we will post it's name along with more pics. 

All the new additions to the farm, along with the regulars, are all co-habitating together just fine.

Thanks for stopping by............ more later.

                                              Live simple.....................................Sheryl


  1. Oh my goodness, how sweet! That baby is just adorable!! And yes, Sheryl, I agree....I am ready for autumn, too!

  2. Oreo is exactly the kind of calf I'd love to have. You are so lucky!!!! P.S. - Have you ever thought of blogging for Grit Magazine? I think they'd love to have you. If so send an email to Jenn Nemec at jnemecatogdenpubsdotcom and you can tell her I referred you. Your blog would be a great match for Grit.

  3. Omgosh...a baby Oreo!! It always amaazes me how a calf will look so much like the mother. I came over from Misha's...looking forward to reading your past and future posts.

  4. What a beautiful calf. Can't wait to hear the name.

    Blessings to you, Amy

  5. I'm just checking back to see if you have posted and just wanted to say these pics make me laugh everytime! I have never seen cows like this and to call it oreo is just so perfect!

  6. First, I don't think I got your original message but I am so glad you left another comment and I found your little spot here. We got our Ramsey from a lady named Belinda in Jackson, La. I am curious if we got ours from the same person. She was very interesting and had the most beautiful lavendar Buff Orpington's.
    I love, love, love, your oreo cows. We are hoping to get rid of our horses to make room for a few cows. Yours are beautiful.

  7. Hey girl. Thanks for the welcome home! We had a great time.

    I remember a couple of weeks ago you asked me a question about blogging, but I can't remember the question. If you still want to ask, please shoot me an email now that I am home.

    Thanks girl.
