
Monday, September 19, 2011

Surviving the scours

September 19, 2011

It's been a long four weeks with these sickly calves, but im happy to say they are all feeling better and out and about with the rest of the animals.   It has been a learning experience and alot of trial and error to get them well and strong.  They are now getting a warm welcome from the rest of the heard with lots of TLC.
It did them some good to get out that stall and into some sunshine and green grass.  We wondered if they would try to nurse on our new mom "Oreo".  Well they checked her out, but she nudged them away, which is probably  a good thing, as four of them would pull her down.  So she set them straight from the get go...

Scours can kill a calf fast if you don't keep them hydrated with electrolytes.  We are so proud that they survived it and are thriving out in the field. 
Happy Farming.........................

                                                                       Live simple...............Sheryl


  1. They look wonderful!! Good job being so vigilant to keep them alive. They sure did get a good home.

  2. I am so happy they are okay! Hope you are doing wonderful.
