
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Much needed rain.............

Sept. 5, 2011

We finally got some much needed rain this weekend.  Tropical storm "Lee" dumped 10+ inches of rain in 3 days.  I know some folks are dealing with flooding, you are in our thoughts and prayers, but we are thankful for the rain we received.  Even the animals enjoyed it, they stayed out in the fields soaking up all that moisture along with some cooler temperatures. Notice the trees in the background of these pictures.   Some of them were turning brown from lack of rain, definitely not from an early arrival of fall.  Although, this morning our temps were down in the high 50's, and wasn't suppose to get out the mid 80's today.  It felt absolutely wonderful...............Maybe those cooler fall temperatures will be here to stay before too long.

That's "Oreo" and her baby "Maggie" she is doing fine and growing so fast.  All the other Cows watch over her,  even T-Boy the bull makes sure she keeps up with the heard.

That's "Peanut" and "Merry Bell" our two Angus cross cows.  Both are Dec. 09 calves we raised.  We are anxiously waiting to see if T-Boy's work was successful.  They are loving all this rain.


That's our little St. Croix sheep, "Ramsey".  He is showing signs of maturing, his mane on his chest is starting to grow out.  Look what our grass has done to him!!!!!! he's SO FAT.....and he doesn't get any special feed.  We may have to put him on a diet so he can do his job and breed our Katahdin ewe.  Been spotting some activity............can't wait to have some lambs running around the farm.

Thanks for dropping by.................
                                                                         Live simple............................Sheryl


  1. All the annimals seem to have their little place in the scheme of things..glad that you go your needed it!

  2. I can't wait to see your lambs running around. Our Ramsey is so fat too. We aren't doing any grain either. He does get veggie scraps and lots of pears from our trees but that's about it.
    We got almost 12 inches of rain. I have never seen our roads and rivers so swollen.
    The sun is out now and drying it all up. Praise the Lord. I am glad y'all didn't get any flooding at your place.
