Saturday April 30, 2011
This week while cleaning out the shed and trying to get organized, i found two shabby treasures i had hidden in the back under piles of stuff. Thought i would drag those beauties out and dust them off and see if i can find a place to display them. I get lots of inspiration from the beautiful blogs i follow that showcase their treasures proudly. I have always had a love affair for old, shabby, antique and vintage things. I guess i kept alot of them tucked away, afraid the kids or animals will destroy them. After admiring your treasures and decorating style through blogging, I think it's time for me to showcase and display mine proudly. So today i will show you a few of my hidden treasures.

Someone gave this to me along time ago. Not sure what it is, sorta looks like a laundry cart of some sort. If anyone knows what this treasure could be, let me know. Anyway, i had used it to put plants on for my daughters wedding. It was painted a different color to match her color scheme. The other day i dusted it off, hit it with some red spray paint, distressed it some, ( my favorite thing to do) and will drag it out to the patio to display plants. I know i didn't get a before pic.....This pic is taken after i started spray painting it, sorry my camera is not the best, so bare with me.

It folds up also, the pieces of wood in the middle lay flat when in the open position. So i don't think a laundry cloth type bag could hang from this, like you see in some older laundry carts. I think you could place a basket on top when in the open position....Hmmmmmmm i don't know. I layed a piece of wood on top and set my plant on top for now. Let me know if you have any creative suggestions. That's Dally in the background, sorry, I'm sure she was watching something move.......She loves chasing anything.
I will take pictures later, when i find it a permanent spot. Not sure where i want it yet.
Thanks to Amy over at "All things Home" for inspiration and the "will" to drag this big scale out of my shed, and dust this treasure off. It's a large scale that was used in a feed store to weigh feed sacks or potatoes. I had it displayed on my patio also with plants, but it was stored away in the shed for hurricane Katrina, and I haven't brought it out since. So, thanks Amy, I'm displaying my scale proudly............

This is something else that was in my shed. It's a child's rocker that stands about 30 inches tall. It was painted white, with a torn out canvas seat, i know i know......i did get a before pic before i started stripping it, but i cant seem to find it. I had intentions on painting it for my new grandbaby "Jessie", but after i stripped it and noticed it was oak, i don't have the heart to cover up the beautiful grain of oak with paint. So its a work in progress, lot of sanding and scrapping to get all the paint out the groves of all the spindles. I will keep you posted on that project.
My daughter gave me several of these old chairs that came out of a restaurant. I started playing around with one yesterday. Here is a before shot. dark, blahhh..............
I spray painted it with Krylon satin in a Jade color. Love, love this color.
I decided to add some character to it by doing my favorite thing, distressing it. It's so fun to make something look old and tattered. The seat was easily removed, a few screws holding it in place.
Here's the distressed look, sorry close up does not do it any justice.
I haven't decided on fabric yet for the seat cover. I will post finished project later.
I promise this was not in my shed.......This was hanging in my living room. It's painted a dark burnt red color, was given to me by a friend. It's an old window, and he put the mirrors in place of the window panes which makes it super heavy. I managed to get it off the wall my myself without cracking the mirror. Since i was in a distressing mood and i have been wanting to change the look of this thing, out came the sand paper the end of the day i was standing in a heap of dust from all the distressing.
I managed to get it hanging back on the wall, and now that i have it inside i don't think the distress shows up enough. Hmmmmmm......... may have to hit it a little harder. I don't think i will attempt to take it back off the wall just yet. I will wait till hubby gets home to give me a hand.
Well i enjoyed my weekend, kids gone, hubby gone, just me and my sandpaper had a relaxing, peaceful weekend. It's fun to re-purpose things around the house and find new purposes for things you may discard. With today's economy it's wise to shop around your own home for things to decorate or re-invent.
Live simple, ..............................Sheryl