
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Growing babies.......

April 17, 2012

Wow!!! how time is just flying by, i can't believe we are in the middle of April already, and it has been over a month since i have been on here to blog and catch up with all the homesteading happenings from my fellow bloggers.  I miss reading of all of your happenings and inspirations, but sometimes LIFE just demands things from us, and I choose to blog when i have the time and to make sure the family needs are taken care of.

The babies are growing fast:

Rosie, Jolie & Pepe

Jessie 13 months old (grandbaby)

Oreo & Maggie
merrybelle & Jezebel

We had another calf born yesterday morning to our black cross bred cow we raised and bottle fed.  We assumed she was pregnant and due to deliver around the same time as Merry Belle, back in February, but for some reason she fell behind.  Her traits are not that desirable, so needless to say, she will be the first to be culled from the heard.  We are pretty sure she gave us yet another heifer to add to our growing heard.  

Peanut & first baby calf

It has been fun watching these babies grow.  We feel blessed to be on this journey of becoming self-sufficient and striving to grow as much of our own food as we can.  It's not something we plan on accomplishing overnight, but we keep striving to make changes to assure our diet is as healthy as possible.

The past few weeks we have been working on getting the garden planted, and things are off to a good start, pictures and more blogging on that later.  I just wanted to give you a quick peek at the growing babies.  Hope you are having a wonderful spring on your homestead.

                                  Live simple...................Sheryl


  1. All of your babies are beautiful but especially your grandbaby. So nice to see you on here.

  2. Cute photos...your grandbaby is SO CUTE!!!

    This might sound like a really dumb question (but considering I was never raised on a farm LOL)...what does Culled from the herd mean?

    Sounded so sad just because it's traits weren't that good....whatever that means as well. Can you tell my the comment, I have no idea about your kind of farming...mine is "chickens...and only 11 of them LOL.

  3. Love all the baby pictures, especially little Jessie in her Easter finery! Great birdhouses in your header too! :)

  4. Hi Sheryl!
    Check out
    for making mosaics. You just have to mess around with it a bit until you figure it out. Or at least I had to! LOL!!
    I hope that helps! :)
