
Saturday, March 3, 2012

lil Birthday girl

March 2, 2012

Last Friday my precious grand baby turn 1 year old already,  my.......has she grown.  Friends and family came out on a stormy Saturday afternoon to celebrate with Jessie and her parents.

Here mommy baked a personal b-day cake just for her, it was a banana cake with cool whip, cream cheese icing.  This child loves bananas......

She had been practicing blowing out her candle prior to her birthday and was pretty good at it.  When the cake was placed in front of her she was mesmerized by the lit candle.  She would not attempt to blow it out, lil stinker..........

But...She did enjoy her cake.

Maybe daddy would like a taste

She enjoyed her day, and had a blast opening her gifts.

Time goes by so fast, sometimes we have to make a point to slow down and enjoy the everyday moments in our lives.  I'm blessed to be able to live each and everyday making memories with my children and grand daughter. 

You can see pictures of Jessie as she's growing by clicking on the tab at the top of the page.  I have some new pictures to post there.  I've gotten behind on that, been busy taking pictures and not posting them.

                                                                       Live simple................Sheryl 


  1. Hi Sheryl,
    Your grand baby Jessie is BEAUTIFUL! I love how big her eyes got as she looked at that cake and candle. lol. Too cute. What a great Mama to prepare her baby girl such a special cake she'd love. Those photos are way too cute and she is definitely growing bunches. She's starting to lose that baby mouth and chin, she looks like Mama to me.

  2. What a sweetie! I always love seeing the kids eating their first birthday cake! :) Happy birthday Jessie!
