
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Good-bye summer, Hello september!!!!!

September 5, 2012

WOW!!!! where did time go.........The last i was here was in July.....gosh!! i didn't think i got that busy.  Well let's see........The end of July was getting ready for school to start and get supplies and uniforms ready. The first of August we took a trip to Oklahoma with my youngest daughter, where she competed in an AQHYA world horse show for her FFA judging team.  Our trip there was nice but while there Oklahoma experienced record heat of 112 degrees, and fires broke out everywhere.  Got back and the school year started, and then a hurricane came knocking on our door. 
Jessie 17 mos. & Bishop
We all hunkered down here on the farm to weather out the sporadic, unpredictable track of hurricane Isaac.  The winds were not that bad here on the farm, but we did get lots and lots of rain. 14 + inches.
We Lost power for four days.......Hot and humid, everything sticky......
Lot's of cleaning up to do afterwards......
But.........everything checked out fine.......the family was safe....the animals were safe....the farm was spared.........We thank the good Lord!!!!!!!!!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost homes to flooding and to all who still are without power. 
Gonna get busy with a fall garden soon......just wanted to let you all know we are still here.  More later...........
        Live Simple.....................................................Sheryl